Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Best New Years Party Games For Adults

New Year's Eve party is the best time to play games, whether or not the event is an adults-only affair. Pick games that connect with New Year's thematically. For example, make a game based on guest's resolutions or perhaps a game featuring trivia about the previous year. While these games are directed at adults, any teenagers or children in the party may want to get in on the fun too.

New Year's Eve is approaching and you're simply hosting an adult-only party. You have the usual stack of board games, movies to look at and great food and drink. However this New Year's Eve you want to do something different. Try a few of these New Years Party Games for a fun filled evening.

Adult Belly dancing Competition 

Have the women judge the boys in an exotic dance contest this New Year's Eve! All that's necessary are scarves and some exotic Arabic music. Possess the men cover their faces using the scarves, pull up or remove their shirts to expose their bellies. Start the background music and watch the fun begin.


Turn it into a New Year's Eve version of charades by acting out popular song, book or movie titles, events, or people who made the news during the year. Divide the audience into two teams and see how long each round is going to be. Have each team brainstorm and write what they are called of the things to be acted out. Ask them to write each one on a small sheet of paper and put them in a New Year's Eve Hat.

Two Truths along with a Lie

This New Year's Eve see how you know your adult guests. Have everyone sit inside a circle. Each guest should consider two truths and one lie. It's much more effective if the truths are somewhat outlandish and also the lie is more believable. This will make it harder for the other guests to inform the lie. In turn, have each individual tell their two truths along with a lie. The group gets to discuss the statements and it has to guess which is the lie. The individual then reveals the actual lie and subsequently person takes their turn.

Wooden Spoons

Guess someone's identity by feeling them just with wooden spoons. One guest in blindfolded and sits inside a chair. Each person stands or kneels while watching blindfolded person. That person must guess each identity only by feeling all of them with the wooden spoons.


This game is a superb spectator sport for New Year's Eve. Setup several groups of two people. These folks will compete with each other. A couple stand face-to-face, arms extended, palms touching. Either blindfold each individual or have them close their eyes. Ask them to turn around five times and try to find their partners palms again and go back to their original positions without looking.

1 comment:

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