Friday, 17 May 2013

What Is the Best Ab Workout to Do Without a Machine?

An effective abdominal workout should work all the major muscle groups in your abdomen, including the rectus abdominus, obliques and the tranverse abdominal muscle. It is simple to perform these exercises in your house or office -- you don't need a piece of equipment or specialized equipment to obtain a strong and toned abdomen.

Ten Second Crunch

This exercise targets your rectus abdominus. If you are new to abdominal exercise, the ten second crunch is one of the simplest and effective exercises for toning your belly. Lie on the ground with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground and your hands interlaced behind your face. Lift your shoulders off the floor by contracting your stomach muscles. Hold the crunch for Ten seconds, then release. Repeat this motion Ten times. Perform this exercise two times a day.

Bicycle Crunch

The bicycle crunch is an efficient ab exercise for toning your obliques and becoming rid of "love handles." Lie on the ground with your knees bent as well as your hands interlaced behind your face. Lift your feet off the floor so your calves are parallel using the floor. Lift your upper body up and running by contracting your abs. Twist left with your upper body as you bring your left knee to your chest while partially straightening your right leg. Attempt to touch your left knee together with your right elbow. Rotate right and perform the same motion about this side. The exercise ought to be performed at a moderate pace.


The plank exercise helps you to tone your entire abdomen, but particularly concentrates on your transverse abdominus muscle. Seriously to your hands and knees, arranging your arms with your shoulders as well as your knees with your hips. Press strongly in to the floor with your arms and step the feet back, coming into a pose that appears like the top of a pushup. Contract your stomach muscles to prevent your back from sagging or perhaps your stomach from sinking towards the floor. Keep your head and neck consistent with your spine. Hold the pose for Thirty seconds.

Abdominal Hold

This abdominal exercise concentrates on strengthening your entire abdomen. Take a seat on the edge of a sturdy chair which has a straight back. Place your on the job the edge of the chair together with your fingers pointing forward. Contract your stomach muscles and lift your feet several inches off the ground, then press firmly in to the chair to raise your buttocks one inch or so off the chair. Contain the pose for five to Ten seconds.

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